What is your legacy?

Are you ready to commit to a new you?

HI, I’m Caroline

SSCC is my company and I love it. Every day I get to help people like you who would like to come for a chat, change their perspective, their life direction and anything and everything in between.

I’ve lived my life through a corporate lens and love working with people to get them to fulfil their goals. THEIR goals. No one else’s.

You want to figure out what they will look like? Let’s work together.

You want to work out how to reframe conversations and negative thinking? Let’s work together.

You want to push towards a business or life goal and can do with some accountability? Let’s work together.

You want my mentoring skills, from Exec Coaching to Graduates, to those seeking work? I work and use my extensive networking skills for your benefit - Let’s work together.

I share my journey so it informs and helps support my clients. I’m a single co-parenting parent, with a permanent job and a passionate side hustle. I live life sometimes in a van being a digital nomad. I inspire people to think and act differently. I continuously move myself forwards and be true and authentic to me and I can support you to do the same.

What are you waiting for?




A big part of coaching for me is social responsibility. As a coach, I offer my clients the opportunity to donate part of my fee to a charitable cause. When you begin a coaching journey with me, not only are you giving yourself the skills to work through your goals, you are actively helping others achieve theirs too.



Synergy is the creation of a whole that is greater than the simple sum of its parts. The term synergy comes from the Attic Greek word συνεργία synergia from synergos, συνεργός, meaning "working together". This context summarises the environment that is possible in a coaching or consulting space and is exactly relationship I aim to provide for you.



One of the greatest joys of coaching is the ability to see transformation in others, whether its for business or self. You have a problem or goal, you want me to hear you in a safe space, to help you discover the root of your challenges through probing questions. You want to take ownership of the problem and be given the tools enabling you to overcome it, primarily through a change in your mindset and increased self awareness. This is coaching.



You have a problem, you want me to give you advice from the knowledge / networks and ideas that I have, or act as a sounding board. I will act in a consultancy role and provide my expertise to support you in exploring challenges you are facing.